The fruits I reap...

Dec 5, 2008

from procrastination.
I'm off to Bali in about 1 1/2 hours. Here's a very brief post with a few belated birthday wishes before i go.

~Debbie's Birthday
Happy Belated birthday Friar!!! I really sorry I couldn't make it, bu i hope it was filled with fun and laughter. To another 16+ years of trying to get people *coughwasabicough* to 'BELIEVE YOU'!!!!! (For the record, I most certainly do. ;-D) These cupcakes were made in your honour, and devoured in your honour as well. :-) Love ya Debs!!!

They were all Vanilla Bean Cupcakes with Vanilla Bean Frosting. The flowers are made out of Marshmallow fondant.
Recipe in my next blog post.

~ Auretta's Birthday

Happy Birthday to my Darling Nieta!! The baby of the family FINALLY turned 16. To many more years of laughing, eating, dancing and singing together. I've known Autts since form 2, and have been making birthday cakes for her since way back then too. This year, she requested, of all things, A SHIP!! So, bravely I forged on, and came up with this:

Chocolate cake, filled with chocolate buttercream and ganache. Apparently, it was a big hit.

So, anyways, that's all I have so far. Next posts will be my Fondant cake class at cake connection, Jaya one. Sneak peak:
